Meet a three-year project

The Funding Support Office participates as an Affiliated Entity in

nexus monARC

funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe – Widening participation and spreading excellence

on the Topic HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03-01 – Twinning, coordinated by NKUA


The nexus monARC project proposes a set of capacity building actions targeting to advance the profile of staff at the department of geology and geoenvironment and collaborating groups at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Through these actions, a holistic approach to environmental monitoring will be developed for the marine environment of the Hellenic Volcanic Arc in the Mediterranean Sea, an environment that is influenced by multiple stressors of anthropogenic and natural origin, such as maritime transport, fisheries, industrial tourism, volcanic activity, hydrothermal venting, and others.

The project objectives will be achieved through transferring knowledge and best practices based on the extensive expertise of partner institutions and by orchestrating citizen science activities.

Short scientific missions synchronized to citizen science activities will lead to the development of novel collaborative research projects for the coordinating and partner institutions.

Furthermore, twinning activities will incite local and international stakeholders from public, policy, and industry to participate and contribute to educational and scientific actions, thus actively improving the marine environment and protecting its inhabitants.

Owing to training and collaborative actions, the improved administrative and management practices of the nexus monARC will be readily applicable to other multi-stressor marine environments in the world.

The kick – off meeting of

nexus monARC project took place in January 2023


NKUA – Νational and Kapodistrian University of Athens


NKUA – Νational and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Third – party

Funding Support Office – Company for the Development and the Management of the Property
of the University of Athens

Third – party

Funding Support Office – Company for the Development and the Management of the Property
of the University of Athens


– Hochschule Fresenius
– VITO – Flemish Institution for Technological Research
– University of Gothenburg
– NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology


– Hochschule Fresenius
– VITO – Flemish Institution for Technological Research
– University of Gothenburg
– NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology